The Best Deals With Gold, Week of 07NOV

[As Originally Read on GIO.]

Being predominately an Xbox One gamer this generation (although I own plenty of other consoles and doohickies as well), I feel it is only fair I give back helpful information to those of you also gaming on the Microsoft system. Therefore, I will be doing a periodic little rundown of some of the best deals digitally available week to week and month to month on Microsoft’s premium live service, Xbox Gold. I will be including deals and Games With Gold titles as well.

FIFA 17, Madden NFL 17, and NHL 17- 35% OFF

If you are a sports fan and any of these three titles have been appealing to you but you’ve waited awhile to get a good deal on them then you should consider buying now. All three are quality titles and scored fairly well when reviewed here and other places. The order they are listed in is also how I would personally rank them if I were to be buying them right now as well in my honest opinion quality wise.

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection- 60% OFF

This is definitely a steal. You can get both Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel in the bundle and all of the downloadable content for each game to boot. Not only are the games spectacular (2 more so than the Pre-Sequel) but they are also full of content and good games to dive into if they’ve been in your backlog for some time and you’re looking for a quality story and fun time.

Evolve- 60% OFF

If you’ve ever played Left 4 Dead or Left 4 Dead 2 and you enjoyed the cooperative mayhem then you shouldn’t pass up on giving this monster hunter a try. Although the game has made a push for free to play on other mediums, this is a good price for what content is still supported and has already been released. There’s a lot there and the base game is pretty fun as is even though the player count isn’t quite as high as it initially was.

Red Faction Guerrilla- 85% OFF

This is a last-generation gem and it’s still fun to play even today. It has some quirks at times but is better than the most recent Red Faction game and sequel, Armageddon. The destructibility and sheer size of the Martian world is what makes the game worthwhile and you’ll find it operates as some sort of “GTA in space” at times as well. Definitely give it a thought at this low of a price at least.

The Escapists- FREE

This is one of last month’s Games With Gold and it is still available for roughly another week or so. It may not seem too interesting compared to the newest Call of Duty or Civilizations VI, but this prison sim has its quirks and is truly an entertaining package especially if you invest in some of the downloadable content. Give it a try if you enjoy strategy games or indie tales with black humor involved.

I hope this short blog has given you some insight into a few of the best deals you can currently get on Xbox Live right now. If digital downloads aren’t your thing I urge you to reconsider your position, because even despite their pitfalls they can be pretty helpful at times as well. PlayStation Plus has a lot on sale right now and on offer so if you are a PlayStation kind of guy or gal you should head over there as well. And don’t forget to check Humble Bundle and Steam and everything else my fellow PC gaming friends.

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